Deva Gaanangal
Dr. Sirkazhi G. Siva Chidambaram, son of Padmashree Sirkazhi Govindarajan, is a Carnatic music vocalist from Chennai. He is the principle disciple of the great master Sangeetha Vidwan Prof. B.Krishnamurthy in the intricacies and nuances of Indian Classical music. He is also a Medical Doctor with a Post graduate degree in Internal Medicine. He was awarded the title of "Isai Peraringar" from Tamil Isai Sangam in the year 2014 and instituted the Isaimani Dr.Seerkazhi S.Govindarajan memorial foundation, a charitable trust in memory of his father to serve the society at large with medical help, scholarships and educational aids for the underpriveledged apart from taking music to inaccessible areas and exposing traditional musical wealth throughout India. For invites and more info please contact us at 03 22743709